Monthly Archives: May 2013

SHE IS AMAZING! (someone whom I admire)

SHE IS AMAZING! (someone whom I admire)

When my lecturer told me to make a text about someone non-famous whom I admire, there is no need longtime to decide who the person is. At the time, there was a woman who crossed in my mind. Yes right, she is my mother, I really admire her so much. If everybody has different great things, I do not have anything to be proud except my family, especially my mother. Although many people whom I admire, but no one of them is better than mother. And I believe, everybody must be proud of their mother. I have often told about my mother to everybody, but I think it is not boring and enough for me to tell about her. If describing one thing only needs one word, so that a thousand words are not enough to tell about her. Yeah that is me, whom really admire her, and now I will tell you how amazing she is.
She is a housewife, her name is Didoh Nurani. She got married with my dad named Andri Royani. My mother is Sundanese and my father is Betawi. After they got married, they got a baby, their son’s name is Angkit Andias Saputra. And two years later, God gave them a beautiful baby, their daughter’s name is Pipo Nuramirah. And when I was at Junior High School, my parents gave me a little brother, named Moh. Alfiqy Ferdiansyah. Yeah it was perfect, we were a happy family before something bad happened to my family. Okay, let me continue my story.
My mother is a good mother, she treats her children as well as she can, also she always does the best for us all the time. Even when something bad happened to my family, that was when my mother divorced with my father, she took all of her children. Since that time, she becomes a hard worker, because she has to work alone to earn money for filling our necessaries. Who Allah, I know that the earth rotates, but I never imagined that it will happen to my family. For me, she is really a responsible mother, so that is why I am very proud of having her.
Although I know, she does not always do good deeds, but she always teaches us how to be a good person. She always teaches us how to be smart, kind, honest, wise, disciplinary, and tough person. Also, she always wants us to do the righteous deeds. Talking about that, I remember one of her advice that very often I heard. She said “My dear daughter, be a smart and tough woman for me, because if you are, you will be able to go through a period of your life well. Do not ever give-up, and do not ever depend on anybody else except on Your Own God, remember it dear!”
Yeah, that is all that she always asks me and the other children to do. And it has proved by her, that now she has been a great and tough woman. I love you mom.
My mother is famous enough in my village, everybody know that she is a hard worker and a kind person. So that is why she is very respected by many people. In the past, when my mom had not been a single parent, many people came to her for help. But when everything changed, no one could help us. And it was really hurting to me and my family. So I promise, that one day I will be someone who can make her smile and be proud of me. Because anything that I get is for her, my beloved mom.
I repeat one more, my mother is a tough woman. She always smiles in front of us and never shows her sorrow and burden, but I know from her eyes, that she is sad and very tired.
I really miss her so much. We have not seen for seven months, because about six months ago she decided to go to Malaysia and became a gardener woman there. Now seldom I talk to her, it is caused by her job and our far distance. More and more the distance between us, it will be more expensive fee to talk to her. I regret of cannot do anything for her, I just know what I have to do for her best is that I have to pray and learn well and be the best in every chance. Because that is all that she always asks me and other her children to do.
Thanks God, you have given me the best mother and family. But I am so sorry, if until this time I have not been able to make them get happiness. But I promise, one day I will be someone who can make them be proud of me. I will prove to everybody that my family is a great family, we can stand by ourselves without a figure of A FATHER. Just wait and see, InsyaAllah we will prove it. So that, please build my strength and character My Lord. Teach me all good things in this world that only on the subject of You. In order to prove and reach all of my dreams.
Nothing I wish, except my family’s happiness. May Allah always protect us wherever we are, may Allah bless our lives, may Allah avoid us from wastefulness, may Allah avoid us from nothingness, may Allah give all good things in this world for us, may Allah love us until the death is coming, and may He always guide us on the straightway, amin..




Metro, englishinfection.blogspot. Pada dasarnya mengajar Bahasa Inggris SD sangat simpel. Kenapa demikian? Tentu saja karena materinya sangat sederhana sekali. Materi Bahasa Inggris SD umumnya mempunyai penekanan pada perbendaharaan kata atau penguasaan vocabulary dan hanya sedikit sekali menyinggung tentang grammar. Guru yang bukan berasal S1 bahasa Inggris bahkan lulusan SMA sekalipun saya kira bisa mengajar anak SD. Akan tetapi yang menjadi perbedaan di sini adalah metodenya. Bagi guru Bahasa Inggris memang terasa mudah akan tetapi mungkin tidak demikian bagi anak. Masalah sesungguhnya adalah bagaimana cara kita supaya materi Bahasa Inggris dapat diterima oleh anak dengan maksimal. Mengajar Bahasa Inggris bukan sekedar menyampaikan materi selesai, yang penting materi sudah disampaikan beres tanpa memperhatikan psikologis anak didik kita. Bukankah pada hakikatnya kita menginginkan anak didik mampu menerima materi dengan baik tetapi bagaimanakah hal itu dapat terjadi bila mereka tidak merasa enjoy, dan senang terhadap materi yang kita sampaikan. Untuk itulah diperlukan metode yang tepat. Jika anak sudah merasa nyaman dan senang dengan cara kita mengajar tentu materi yang kita sampaikan kepada anak akan cepat diterima anak. Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di SD akan terasa monoton dan membosankan jika guru minim kreatifitas, dan kurang menguasai metode pengajaran Bahasa Inggris. Mengajar Bahasa Inggris tidak hanya menuliskan vocabulary atau perbendaharaan kata di papan tulis kemudian anak menyalinnya dibuku setelah itu anak menirukan guru dalam mengucapkan kata-kata atau vocab tadi. Mungkin cara ini adalah cara yang konvensional dan membuat baik anak didik maupun guru menjadi cepat bosan. pengalaman saya selama mengajar Bahasa Inggris untuk anak adalah setiap kali saya masuk ke kelas anak saya biasakan memberi salam kepada saya dalam Bahasa Inggris kemudian berlanjut dialog greeting. Anak menjadi terbiasa dan hafal juga pengucapan yang benar. Di kelas saya menggunakan ungkapan2 dalam Bahasa Inggris misalnya, “Who is absent today?”, “What date is it today?” “Why is he sick?” “Clean the blackboard!” dan sebagainya”. Anak terbiasa mendengar ungkapan tadi dan mereka merespons dengan baik. Sebelum memberikan materi, saya selalu awali dengan nyanyian dalam Bahasa Inggris sesuai dengan tema pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by on May 10, 2013 in Articles, Learn English



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